Covid got me (and the overuse of the word stuff)

I got covid again. It’s only the second time so I guess that’s not too bad. I slept at least 32 hours straight and came up with many decisions. Nothing groundbreaking or earth-shattering. Just little ones.

Little one number one: I’m not a webpage builder or a web designer or anything close, so why am I putting pressure on myself to be one? I’ll just make a blog. WordPress is built to be a blog anyways, right? I’ll just add stuff like a blog, add photos of art, process videos, stuff like that. I’ll have links to Etsy (which means I’ll have to update Etsy) for sellable stuff. And I’ll have links to instagram and facebook and whatever else I have work up on.

Little decision number two: practice Spanish every day and make something every day. The make something part can be anything… food, or a new recipe, a sketch, handmade book, painting, sculpture, anything. Even the smallest thing counts.


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