Recovering from covid. Coming out of the fog. I was actually able to function today even with the no sleep I got last night. The tag-team dinner was planned by the quarterback (Corrine) and all I had to do was chop up her mise en place, get water boiling for noodles and steam, and possibly start up the veggies in the wok. It was her perfect plan for leftover meat and almost gone veggies, and a weak-ass husband partner (me).

Knifework done, I sat down with the kids to watch the Bee Movie for a bit and rest. Still winded from light work from stupid covid. I’m not sure what to think about the Bee Movie. It was funny but cringey. I didn’t want to watch but couldn’t look away. I didn’t want to laugh but couldn’t help it.

About halfway through the movie I realized it was Back To School Night at the middle school. If I left immediately I’d just make it there on time, but I’d have to abandon all dinner helping. Plus it would be the first time leaving the house since having covid right into a building full of people.

Cut to the end. The school thing was way too long. I got home hungry, tired, and cranky. While I was gone Corrine orchestrated the perfect stirfry leftover dinner with noodles, rotisserie chicken meat, mushrooms, white onion, asparagus, red pepper, and zucchini. The vegetables were expertly cut I might add. The kids loved it and had seconds and thirds.


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